Knock off van damme Was Sam

Knock off van damme

Was Sam Spade the peak Bogart character? Or Philip Marlowe? Its nearly impossible to choose, but an argument can be mounted that Fred C. Dobbs in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is Bogarts greatest achievement. We first meet up with Dobbs in desperation and penury, homeless and begging on the streets of Tampico. All he wants is to get his head above water, to live comfortably without having to depend on handouts from rich American vacationers. Nothin fancy, just freedom from poverty. Even when he first hits on the idea of prospecting for gold, his ambitions remain modest. Howard Walter Huston, in one of the best-deserved Academy Award winning performances of all time, another drifter with some experience as a prospector, tells him what gold does to a man, the way getting a little only makes you hungry for a whole lot more. Dobbs insists that wont happen to a simple, reasonable man like him, that hell just collect his little piece and go home. We know knock off van damme 5 Has there ever been a Kris Kringle more spot-on than Edmund Gwenn, a little girl more bugs-earish than Natalie Wood, a Christmas movie more magical than 1947s Miracle on 34th Street? Dont be silly. Of course there hasnt. Though there are other excellent holiday movies that are indispensible for any merrymaking movie buff, none is more perfectly realized than this story of a little girl learning to believe. That little girl is Susan Natalie Wood, as adorable as anything youve ever seen but sadly lacking in the childlike sense of wonder department. Her mother Maureen OHara has raised her by the generally appropriate maxim of deal with the real world and dont go falling for a lot of dopey nonsense, but this has had one unfortunate consequence: Susan doesnt believe in Santa Claus! This cannot stand, so its rather fortuitous that a man claiming to be the one and only real Kris Kringle plops right into her lap. The kindly old man teaches Susan a thing or two about imagination and manages to bring a little Christmas spirit to everyone he encounters, to boot. When working as a department store Santa at Macys, for example, he doesnt hesitate to send shoppers rating: 5 Since I was very, very young, A Christmas CarolDickens novel and its many different adaptationshas been one of my favorite stories. Before even my obsession knock off van damme Star Wars or Indiana Jones, I was obsessed with this tale of Victorian England and positive values. If youre thinking that I must have been the coolest, most popular preschooler on the block, brother are you ever right. Mickeys Christmas Carol wasnt one of the first versions of the story that I saw, but its now one of my favorites. In fact, this theatrical short is probably the best thing Disney animation did between One Hundred and One Dalmatians in 1961 and the renaissance period begun with The Little Mermaid in 1 What makes it so good? First is the artistry on display in the animation, which in style is far more akin to the earliest Disney classics than what was coming from the studio in the 70s and 80s. Second is the good use of existing Disney characters in A Christmas Carols roles, particularly Mickey Mouse as Bob Cratchit, Goofy as Marleys ghost, and Scrooge McDuck assurprise!Ebenezer Scrooge. This allows for two things: the right amount of freedom and looseness in the characterizations rating: 3 Its called Once Upon a Christmas but for the price of admission you get three separate cartoons featuring beloved Disney characters. Plus linking narration by battered husband Kelsey Grammer. Now thats what I call a Christmas bonus! DONALD DUCK: STUCK ON CHRISTMAS Despite what that title would have you believe, its actually Donalds nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie who are stuck on Christmas. If Christmas is like Groundhog Day, Huey, Dewey and Louie are like a feathery, three-headed Bill Murray. Yes, the three ducklings make a wish that it could be Christmas every day and hey! presto! their wish is granted. As Tom Petty warned, its Christmas all over again. And again and again and again. First the boys are thrilled by this development. Then they grow weary of the unceasing sameness. Then they realize that they can get up to all manner of ducky didoes without fear of reprisal and they take full advantage of that situation. But then, as youd expect, they learn some Important Lessons. Their continual exposure to Christmas teaches them to eschew their selfish ways, that its better to give than receive and the true meaning of Christmas is love and all that. The other moral imparted to Huey, Dewey rating: 5 Christmas with the Kranks is the story of a neighborhood full of not very likable people, two of whom learn a valuable lesson about the importance of conformity. Jamie Lee Curits and Tim Allen are Nora and Luther Krank, a pair of empty nesters who decide, on the first Christmas without their daughter at home, to take the money and effort usually spent on the trappings of the holiday and spend it on a Caribbean cruise instead. Rather than string lights on an empty house and put up a tree they wont be there to enjoy, they plan to skip Christmas this year and enjoy themselves in warmer climes. As Luther explains to his coworkers, hes not angry and wont yell humbug at anyone offering holiday greetings, hes just not doing the Christmas thing. Now, I love Christmas decorations and cram my house with just about every piece of red and green crap you can name. They could slap a googly-eyed snowman on a home enema kit and Id buy eight. But thats me. Id never do it, but I can see that what theyre planning is a perfectly reasonable thing for Luther and Nora to want to do. Not so rating: 5 This movie is by no means perfect.

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